Sunday, June 19, 2011

Marketing to Men -- It's not easy

I gave a recent presentation on marketing to men at a Men's Health Seminar. The main argument of my presentation was that "Marketing to Men -- It's not easy".

I decided not to go with the original title: "Marketing to Men -- It's Hard" to avoid any immature "That's what she said" comments.

We had a big auditorium, a panel of expert presenters (physicians, exercise physiologists, dietary researchers, and me), raffles, free food, and vendors. It was heavily advertised on the radio and TV. Advertisement posters were placed strategically above urinals in key bathrooms across the J. Sargent Reynolds campus (all four). It was well designed and promoted.

How many men do you think attended?

Answer: 15

My point was made. "Marketing to Men -- It's not easy".

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