Saturday, January 21, 2012

Comments on Lifehacker's post "How do I quit a job I just started."

A better question is "Why do I want to quit a job I just started?"

If you are a new graduate from pharmacy school, I recommend against ever quitting a job you have just started.  Unless your new employer is a serial killer or has been taken away in handcuffs for war crimes, stick it out for at least one year.

If you made it through four years of pharmacy school, you can survive one year in a job you do not like.  Here is why you need to stay.

1.  Any less than one year looks bad on your resume.
2.  You will learn a lot in any job the first year after graduation.  It might as well be this one.
3.  You probably asked people to write letters of recommendation for you.  Don't make them look like jerks by quitting.
4.  If you make them look like jerks, they will remember.  The pharmacy community is surprisingly small.

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