Monday, March 14, 2011

I used to be an international drug smuggler

When visiting my in-laws in Yuma Arizona, I used to accompany them on trips across the border to Algodones, Mexico. We would stop by pharmacies where I could purchase cheap, prescription-strength ibuprofen (AKA Motrin). As you might expect, the prices were amazingly cheap.

And then, we would illegally bring them back across the border.

Yes, illegally. There is a law against importing prescription drugs. The border agents just don't enforce it. People often don't know about the law against importing drugs, and even worse, they don't realize how unsafe it is. That's because drugs outside of the US are outside of the FDA system of safety and manufacturing control

Last night, I watched a 60 Minutes episode on TV which illustrated the risks of drug importation. I recommend you watch to get some idea about the risks of importation.

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