Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Can motivational posters motivate?

The short answer is "yes". Despite the large number of "demotivational posters" available on the Internet which make fun of motivational posters (and rightfully so), motivational posters can help motivate in the following ways.

1. When an individual uses the poster to remind herself about aspirations and goals. A classmate of mine in college had a motivational poster above his desk titled "Justification for Higher Education". This poster showed an expensive beach front house with a five car garage filled with expensive autos. He is now a successful entrepreneur who I envision has a house similar to that on the poster.

2. When the motivational poster communicates a message that is accepted by team members. Motivational posters only work when they are consistent with the beliefs of those being motivated. They cannot change cynical or pessimistic viewpoints in the workplace.

3. When the motivational poster reinforces the message of a trusted leader. Without trust in the leader, the message of motivational posters will probably be resisted and mocked. However, if the team trusts the leader, the message communicated by motivational posters is more likely to be seen as credible.

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