Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to win friends and influence people

If there are any more people out there that read books, I highly recommend Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People." It is easy to read and offers some basic insights that can improve the effectiveness of any health care professional.

What I still remember after reading it a couple of decades ago is that the way to to become likable and credible is to stop talking about yourself. Instead, listen to others. Ask them about their favorite subject -- themselves. That may not be the case in all people, especially in cultures that don't like to bring attention to themselves, but it is for most people.

You might say "Duh!", that is so common sense. And you would be right. But we often forget or get into the habit of making everything about us.

And in our tweeting; Facebook; me-me-me society, we often spend more time focusing on ourselves than on others.

Read the book. Dale Carnegie is still relevant to human interactions today.

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